I took a 10 day dose of Levaquin while in the hospital for asthmatic bronchitis. On the 9th day, I had severe pain in my knees. The doctors agreed that it was a reaction to the Levaquin. They thought this would basically go away once it got out of my system, about 4 days.

I'm 20 days into this and can't walk. I had burning in the palms of my hands, hand and wrist weakness, tremors, profuse sweating and rash. I'm now in a wheelchair and have extremely stiff and painful knees and the hand and wrist weakness. I have had all the auto immune test from the rheumatologist, and await further test from a neurologist for nerve damage and an MRI to rule out tendon damage with an orthopedic.

Oh yes, I still have the rash! I hope to be one of the people where this thing works its way out of my system! I'll keep you posted.

Last Updated 6/13/04