I am a 48-year-old male. I underwent a stent implant following a heart attack four years ago. I took nine 500mg doses of Levaquin in September 2000. My ADR included cardiac arrhythmia, elevated blood pressure, and increased angina. These symptoms have lessened substantially over the past three to four months, but they persist somewhat. 

As for why the doctor who arranged for you to receive your stent implant and then prescribed Levaquin for your bronchitis "avoids talking about this antibiotic," Levaquin is contraindicated for cardiac patients. That's one of the few clear warnings stated in the manufacturer's prescribing information, which is available for download at the following webpage:


Your doctor may fear liability for this serious medical mistake. My doctor made the same mistake. 

I wish you well. please keep us posted regarding your situation.

Last Updated 7/14/04