To the group:

Wanted to let you know this latest bit of medical folly. Spoke with my internist, the lady who had me taking the devil-drug Levaquin for 10 months (at 500 mg a day) and we again discussed my ADR. She doesn't believe it for a minute, suggests that all the drug is long-gone from my body, and also suggests that I begin taking an anti-depressant and perhaps consider counseling. Lord all 'mighty! She thinks I've gone nuts and she's known me for years!

The closed-minded nature of the medical community drives me nuts. I suggested that she look at this forum, that she spend whatever spare time she might have getting to know this anti-biotic that she's prescribing like candy. And get this: She was recently voted, by her peers (in a local magazine) as the BEST DOCTOR IN TOWN! And maybe she is, but in fact the medical community needs educating about this growing problem.

Last Updated 7/16/04