


Joan's Story


 I have good reason to believe that Trovan played a very large role in a cardiac arrest my wife had in August. When she was taking it for a lung infection, she said it made her feel just awful, dizzy, lightheaded, as she imagined what being on chemotherapy might be like. You may already know that the drug came on the market Feb. of 1998, and was removed from general use in June, 1999 due to some 140 cases of users suffering liver damage, 14 of which experienced acute liver failure, and 6 of these patients died. While my wife had no problems with her liver, her heart slowed so much that she became anoxic (not enough oxygen to the brain), and currently suffers stroke-like disabilities, the prognosis of which is unknown. Please, if you run across anyone who has experienced similar (i.e., cardiac-related) adverse reactions while taking Trovan, please let me know. This will mean the world to us. Thank you.

Last Updated 4/15/04