Name: Rex
Email :
State or Country of residence: California
Sex: Male
Age: 46
Quinolone taken: Cipro
Reason for the Quinolone: Stomach bacterial acquired in Mexico
Was a safer antibiotic tried first? : Yes
How long did you take the Quinolone for? : 7 Days
How long ago did you take the Quinolone?: August, 2003
How much have you recovered as of now?: 70%
How often do you relapse or cycle?: When I eat chicken, turkey or soy
Does your doctor agree the Quinolone is the cause of your problems?: Yes
Do you have a history of seizures or neurological problems?: No
Please list anything your doctor did that helped in your recovery: She had no ideas
What has helped you in your recovery?: Soaking Achilles
tendons in whirlpool
Rex's Story
My symptoms were foot pain; severe Achilles tendon pain; bizarre electrical sensations in the arms; severe eye floaters; a feeling of fullness or swelling in the lower legs; numbness and tingling in the hands, arms legs and feet; pounding heart; salt craving; chest pains; an eye tic; a right-side headache for two months; out-of-synch eyes; nasal congestion (I have no allergies); and tons of cavities when I usually have about one every 5 years. I took Cipro in August of 2003. Except for the foot pain, which was instant, the symptoms began in October 2003. At this time, all symptoms have resolved except for minor pain and a scary feeling of weakness in my Achilles tendons, constant new cavities, and the severe eye floaters, which have not gotten better or worse. They are highly annoying. |
Last Updated 5/04/04